Debugging TLS traffic on android

tl;dr: I’ll show how you can use burp’s proxy to debug traffic of android apps that use https.


The first step is do as described in Configure the Burp Proxy listener of the following article: Configuring an Android Device to Work With Burp.

As you can see, the second part of the previous article already show how you can use burp as a proxy, but with just this you wont be able to do any connection that uses https (eg: if you try to open chrome and access you won’t be able so see the traffic in burps Proxy section and will be able to see some ssl errors on the Alert section).

Generate a certificate

So, after you setup the proxy you need to generate a certificate on burp:

this is part of the following gist

1. Export your Burp Certificate
Proxy > Options > CA Certificate > Export in DER format

2. Convert it to PEM
openssl x509 -inform der -in cacert.der -out burp.pem

4. Download it on the device

To download the file to the device you can run

adb push burp.pem /storage/self/primary/Download/

to store the certificate on the device’s Download folder.

Add the certificate to android’s truststore

After that you just need to import the certificate, so the self signed certificates that burps Proxy use won’t be rejected by android.

As described here, you just need to go to Settings -> Security -> Install from SD card and find the certificate that you just pushed to the device.

Now you can go back to the Configuring an Android Device to Work With Burp article and do as described in Configure your device to use the proxy section. If your device is in the same network that your pc, just search for find local ip and, after you find out what is your ip you can put it in the Device proxy configuration.


Just a few tips:

  • burps Proxy start with Intercept enabled by default (in Proxy -> Intercept), you probably want to turn it off, otherwise you will need to allow each request by hand.
  • if you did setup the proxy but still can’t see the traffic, try using it on startup: emulator -avd <avd_image> -use-system-libs -http-proxy <your_ip>:8082. With this you won’t be able to use the Play Store, so there’s the need to kill the emulator and start it without the proxy option (this may not be a big deal, since the emulator will save the current state before dying).
  • if you use burp free edition, you may need to regenerate the certificate after closing it. It’s easy: Proxy -> Options -> Regenare CA certificate, just remember to do the the steps to push it into the device and adding it to the device’s truststore again.
  • if you use a real device, you may see a warning from android, something in the line that your connection may be spoofed. This is due the new certificate in the truststore. After you finish your tests just remove burps certificate (on android Settings -> Security -> Trusted credentials -> User, click on the cetificate and Remove, you may need to scroll a litle to see the Remove option) and the warning goes away.
